Social Media Networking and ROI

There is an article on called “Social Media Networking and ROI: How to Maximize Value and Minimize Cost“. For those of us who want to sell our work online, it is important to understand how the online world works these days. In the last couple of years and especially in the last few months, social media networking has become a valuable tool to help us connect with people and sell our work. But online social networking is much more than just a tool to sell more art. Think of offline social networking and how that works. When you go to an event where you know other artists and gallery owners are going to be present, do you come barging into the room and start handing out your business cards and telling everyone what you have for sale? Of course not. You know that it is about building relationships.

Read this article and help yourself reach a better understanding of what the online world is really like and how you should be involved.


Chris O’Byrne

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Kara aka Mother Henna on 04.07.08 at 7:54 am

Interesting stuff. It’s really become a buzz now. I’m reading and hearing all kinds of stuff about “social networking” now. On tech sites, business management programs, coaching for coaches, the business of art, etc. It’s everywhere. There was an article in — hmmm, I think it was Fast Company — about the Obama Campaign — something like “The Brand Called Obama” or something — and how businesses should be studying that campaign because it is the “face of the future” of business — regardless of the outcome of the election, the process of how they are running the campaign is all about “social networking”, “open brand”, “viral hits” etc etc…

Anyhoooooo :)

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