
Please visit, a forum where you can discuss in detail everything having to do with selling your art online and a lot more. is a community of artists just like you that help each other out and discuss everything from their own websites to online stores to social media.

Please join us. Your wisdom and experience is invaluable and we would love to get to know you.

Warm regards,

Diane Clancy and Chris O’Byrne



More Resources
At EmptyEasel you’ll find all types of art and painting tips, including oil painting tutorials, drawing techniques, and general art advice, as well as articles on famous artists, historical art movements, and contemporary artists. PLUS, EmptyEasel has inside info about selling art online and the online art market. Dig in and enjoy!

Katherine Tyrrell’s blog about: - Making marks with pastels, pencils and pen and ink - Creating new drawings and paintings - Influences on developing both artwork and art careers - Interviews with artists - Information about resources for artists and art lovers ….and best viewed in Firefox.

. is for artists who are going places and taking their art with them! (this site is chock full of art marketing info)