Building a Blog that Sells

This post is a result of a conversation that I had with a good friend of mine that lives in Arivaca, AZ. We have been discussing how to market her art for several months and have had some great conversations. I wish I had recorded all of them!

You know, at some point I’ll figure this whole art marketing thing out! I would like to be able to give people a general formula and say, “Here, do this. If you do these things for this long and stick with it, in one year you will make enough money to make it worthwhile.”

I HAVE heard from some artists that their blog and other online promotion has paid off and they sometimes make a few hundred dollars from it. But if you want that to happen, you have to have put the time in online creating and building your community.

I think a general blog will have a tougher time selling than a specialized blog. Okay, artist blogs are specialized, but not when compared to all the other artist blogs out there… and there are TONS of them!

Think in terms of what kind of blog and blog content would really grab people and make them want to come back week after week. I think anything “story” related, if the story is told well, would accomplish that. One idea is to have a blog that is place and story related. For instance, writing a weekly post about things that are going on in and around Arivaca. A lot of people would be fascinated by what goes on in a place that is so remote and wild. With elements of Border Patrol, illegal activities, beautiful scenery, a strong community… there is so much to write about. Comb