One question that I have been asked is how to stand out from the crowd when you are dealing with an extremely crowded venue like eBay or Etsy. Accomplishing this is not much different from standing out in the crowd of artist websites that exist out there. There are thousands and thousands and you need to do something or you will sink in mediocrity. What will save you is your ability to target niches and market directly to them. Even if the customer is browsing from picture to picture, you can still stand out from the crowd.
eBay gives you several options for auctions that you should take advantage of. (This will make more sense if you are familiar with selling on eBay.) When setting up the description for your item, always use a gallery picture. This is the small picture that appears to the left of your item description when people are browsing categories or searching for items with your keywords. Also, always use Bold, and always use a Border! These two, along with using a gallery picture, really help your item to stand out from the crowd. The other options depend on the price of your item. A good rule of thumb is to stay at 50% of your profit or below for the total of your extras. (By extras, I mean things like the gallery picture and using a border and a bold font. There are others that you can purchase, but the price goes higher.) If paying $39 ensures that you sell an item for a $200 profit, it seems like a good deal to me.
Chris O’Byrne